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Write For Us - Guest Post For Seo 4teach

Seo 4teach is one of the major Blogs Blog Tips, help, design and gadgets category. a wide and loyal fan community and more than 330,000 page views per month and more.In recent years, our growth is an authors awesome reviews, which are set out in a guest post and may even be awesome.

Always as a guest author

Bring your voice to the public, which is great as a guest house, the novelist, create your own profile and add Sie Anmeldeinformationen. You will receive 2 - follow the links to your blog (add link to a social profiles, in order to establish this connection, follow the tags more, unless you are one of the most important link), or part of a website (select - with very few exceptions) will be added to the virkajoten it is really reached new audiences, and the main readership, this blog is that people keep linking to the reader. Die links will be added to link to their blogs the affine action follow the author Beitrag Selbst section do not belong to the most important part of the post method.

What kind of articles we are looking for?

All are useful for us readers of the good content to post guest here.Remember that you do not need to be an expert, for example, to change some of the best articles of bloggers and their personal experiences they have learned things, or they did wrong.

Suggested themes are:

Networking Soziale cleaning tips
The gadgets or blogging tools
Tips and tricks for writing
Effectively, write these messages
Topics and niches

Does not have the expert? As for all the opportunity would be available, so if you can write, because there is no "techie" blogging do experiments.

I think you get the idea - if your a blogger in the help anyway I need to write one or more post.May come from the personal experience of blogging. No minimum length for your speech, but the messages are usually more of 400 words.

Examples of published a list of messages.

For instructions on how to

B. your post must be original and must never appeared on the Internet.
You agree not to publish the rest of the table (or on your blog or on a guest post on other blogs).
Indeed, but if major changes are needed in product Microsoft means that minor changes.


As mentioned above, add bio two links - from the author. "as an added bonus, you can become one of the social profiles, is this link, but added no attribute followed, add an additional link."

We accept and we recommend rel = "Author" links associated with your Google account, this social bond and the other which + two of the most important links are not counted.

We are ad sites sites of credit cards, loans and general financial sites links game etc...

We do not accept the keywords long tail in the anchor text. Sicher; Keywords in the text anchor, but you can make you crazy, not 2-3 words of the most ambitious of us should be sufficient.

Feel refreshed with your voice

Buzz Word faithful to us is "Cool".Seen, estimation of subsidies can cover a variety of topics, but it is important that the content is new and gives our readers a new es Informationen. is the great, even if the messages have a personal touch, when you write this speech.

Go the mile again

Let me add, it will contribute to speed up the process and a better look at the position.They are all volunteers.

-The author self-portrait, an image, we can add to this message personally to the author bio section.The size 100x100px perfect is less than 300 x 300 size that we are once more.

-Message to the image, all messages will be floated in the picture above.If it could be a good idea to add the image, if necessary, that it would be.

Send your suggestions or request more information

OK to start the connection to your contacts by e-mail.

If you have a huge prepared message to send six format more practice (text, HTML, doc, zip, etc., or if your unsure simply to attach to an e-mail message) and we will be able to, without delay, submit the EIS. you have an idea or titles you want in front of me, I would like to know Wenn.Si only questions about the process.


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